Business Benefits

QSEHRA review: Cariloop listens to staff, takes care of team

Dallas-based Cariloop is a digital health and wellness company that helps families navigate the complex process of caring for aging or ailing loved ones. When that time in life arrives where we all will inevitably find ourselves playing the role of “caregiver”, Cariloop offers guidance, resources, and a collaborative approach to transform that process that’s often laced with confusion, stress, and anxiety to one that is well-informed, educated, and supported.

As Cariloop continues to build out it’s team both locally and nationally, it needed an efficient, affordable, and smart approach to offer benefits to the group. 

Cariloop’s CEO, Michael Walsh, sat down with us to discuss the growing pains of a small company and the big challenges he faced when it comes to benefits for his team.

“Our story is one you hear a lot,” shares Michael. “Cariloop is certainly growing at an exciting pace, but we’re still small enough that it doesn’t make sense for us to go out and purchase a big commercial plan.”

Where did you hear about QSEHRA?

I had known about Take Command Health for a while and thought, “Why don’t we give this a try?” For employees who wanted to participate, I decided to spend an extra $3,000 a year, which ends up being $250 a month per employee.

Cariloop’s platform helps our country’s employers to look out for their employees and their families during an incredible stressful time in their lives. It’s all about people taking better care of people. The same applies to the work we’re doing with Take Command Health – it’s all about us taking care of our people.

Why did you sign up?

One of our teammates is actually a cancer survivor. She’s in remission and doing really well, but insurance is really expensive for her. She had to do this on her own before, paying crazy expensive premiums for a plan that wasn’t that great. In an effort to try and help, we decided to give QSEHRA a try as well as the Take Command Health membership, which gives them 24/7 access to call a doctor.

This was our first foray into helping our people have access to health insurance and help cover some of the costs for those in the company that have to shoulder that financial burden on their own.

It all started with listening to our team members and working to meet them where they are.   

Tell us about your QSEHRA!

We signed up for our QSEHRA in Q4 of last year and opted to reimburse for premiums and qualified medical expenses. Five employees ended up signing up, since everyone else had health insurance through their spouse. Each of those employees are given the same amount each pay period, regardless of status, title, age, etc.

How has your team reacted to the new QSEHRA setup?

Our team was very grateful and excited! I’ll never forget some of the responses we got when we sent out the email announcing the QSEHRA.

Have there been any challenges?

We’ve had no real issues. If we have a question, Take Command has been responsive and worked with our people to help them find an answer. When our staff members had questions about getting set up, they just contacted support and they were taken care of.

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