Health Care

Taking the ‘I wish I had known’ out of surgeries

From the start, Take Command Health’s mission has hinged upon consumer advocacy, transparency, and plain common sense when it comes to facing the challenges that accompany the healthcare market. Save money for better care? We are in. Less confusion and better answers? Yes, please. Smarter solutions with less effort? Absolutely.

That’s why we created our Smart Benefits platform, to help individuals and business owners get that little something extra. We think of it as a toolkit of secret weapons to take on the healthcare market.

When we were introduced to Goldfinch Health, we immediately saw a need and understood what they bring to the table—the operating table, that is. Based in Austin, this startup is committed to taking the “I wish I had known” out of surgery by connecting patients with clinically-validated surgical pathways.

Acknowledging an ugly truth about the healthcare industry, Goldfinch Health reminds us that not all providers are created equal. In fact, on the same day in the same hospital, two different patients could have very different experiences undergoing the same surgical procedure. One patient was up and asking to go home the next day, while the other was settling in for a week-long hospital stay, a mountain of opioid pain medication, and a long road to recovery. This happens all of the time.

The difference in the patient experience here is that one patient unknowingly underwent a minimally invasive surgery with evidence-based surgical pathways and the less fortunate patient endured the decades-old approach to surgery.

In a world where we are facing a dangerous opioid crisis, significant waste, and frustrated patients, the Goldfinch approach of more-informed decision-making and better-navigated surgery is a no brainer.

Taking it a step further, shortened recovery times with less risk of opioid addiction saves everybody money—from the healthcare system to the individual to their family to their employer.

In the field of surgery, over the last decade advanced, innovative providers have separated themselves from their peers by implementing minimally-invasive surgery as part of broader Advanced Surgical Pathways. Such pathways can take many forms and include interventions before, during and after surgery. Overall, they represent the entire surgical experience re-imagined with patients and their recovery front and center. Just the way it always should have been.

There are many benefits, including:

  • 30% shorter hospital stays
  • 50% fewer complications
  • 90% reduced opioid painkiller need
  • Faster return to normal life, including work

The numbers speak for themselves. That’s why we’ve joined Goldfinch Health’s pilot program to create a better surgical experience for everyone. If you are considering surgery, call Goldfinch Health and connect with one of their expertNurse Navigators. From October 1 through the end of the year, this service is FREE! (After December, the program will be available for $495/surgery case.)

The Goldfinch Health team will help you to consider your options, find a leading surgeon who has implemented care pathways like those mentioned above, and find your way through the best surgical experience and recovery possible. 

To get started, visit or call Goldfinch Health at 833.453.3624. And be sure to mention you learned about the program through Take Command Health!

Cheers to your health!


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